Finding Joy In Being Creative
This is a place where you will find inspiration to be creative. Here you can find free printable coloring pages, knitting patterns and easy DIY projects.

Wondering About The Name Of This Website?
Underbart skapad, what is that? Maybe you think UNDERBART SKAPAD sounds like something you could find on a label from IKEA. That could actually theoretically happen because UNDERBART SKAPAD is in Swedish. UNDERBART SKAPAD are the Swedish words for WONDERFULLY MADE.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14
This is the bible verse that set us off on this project. SKAPAD or CREATED is the inspiration behind this blog. We believe every person is wonderfully made in God’s image. He is our creator. He created us with purpose.
Want To Discover More About Who God Made You To Be?