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The world of blogging can sometimes feel a lot like one way communication. We are so glad to see that so many of you are finding our website from all over the world. We hope that his website will be an encouragement to many people.

God has totally transformed our lives and we know that when we get to know His word and His character it transforms us. When we get to know our creator and understands why He made us we start living the life that we were created for.

God sees you and he longs to reveal new things to you! You are so loved by the one that first created that whole universe and that decided to create you. You are created with so much detail, god has so many thoughts for your life.

There are so many things that we hope that people entering this website would know and understand about how God sees every person He has created.

Just as we long to share about what God has done in our lives and how He has transformed us we also so much appreciate hearing parts of your story.

Always feel free to leave us a comment or send us an email. We are so happy every time a blog post doesn’t just end as a one way communication but when we also get to hear your response.

We also want you to feel welcome with questions or ideas for topics to cover in future blog posts. We would love to answer your questions.

Anyway, we hope you feel very welcome here in our little corner of the internet and remember that your voice is also very important.

We wish you all the richest blessings!