
Welcome to our blog. Keep up with the latest blog posts.

“For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:13-14

These bible verses from Psalm 139 are the inspiration behind the name of this website. Underbart skapad are the Swedish words for wonderfully made. We believe that every person is created by the creator of the universe. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

We all need to be reminded of who God is and who God made us to be sometimes. In the categories called Devotionals, Identity in Christ and Encouraging Bible Verses on our blog you will find encouraging blog posts about what the Bible teaches about who God is and reason to why He created you.

So follow us as we dig deeper into the identity we have as followers of Christ. You are so loved and you were created with so much intention.

woman with a blanket, open bible and a cup of coffee
God's word is true and powerful. His Word has the power to change lives! "For the word of God is alive and Read more
An open bible and a devotional book on a table
Take a few minutes and let God reveal something new to you or remind you about what is true. The Read more
bible and a plant with a blanket on a rug
Having our identity in Christ, what does that really mean? When we hear the word identity some of us might Read more

A place to find creative inspiration

Another big topic that we cover on this blog is all things creative. We are created in such a way that we also can enjoy creating new things.

In the categories called DIY projects, knitting patterns, recipes, and free printable coloring pages you can find some inspiration for doing some easy DIY projects or some free printable coloring pages.

photo with peace of fabric string and a plant
This category on our blog has a lot of different kind of Do-It-Yourself projects to try out. Me, Monica, who
a coloring page and colored pencils on a table
Enjoy some printable coloring pages that are free to download and print out. Coloring is one of our favorite activities

Want to keep up with our latest blog posts? Down below are all the different categories on our blog. We hope that you will be inspired and encouraged. We really hope that this website will be a encouraging corner of the internet where you are reminded of who God made you to be, that your life matters and that you are invited to live life closely together with your creator.

We also hope that you will find lots of joy in everyday moment and that being creative will be a fun way for you to enjoy all the gifts that you have been blessed with.

Yu are so welcome here, we are so glad you stopped by!

a coloring page and colored pencils on a table
Enjoy some printable coloring pages that are free to download and print out. Coloring is one of our favorite activities Read more
bible and a plant with a blanket on a rug
Having our identity in Christ, what does that really mean? When we hear the word identity some of us might Read more
photo with peace of fabric string and a plant
This category on our blog has a lot of different kind of Do-It-Yourself projects to try out. Me, Monica, who Read more
An open bible and a devotional book on a table
Take a few minutes and let God reveal something new to you or remind you about what is true. The Read more
woman with a blanket, open bible and a cup of coffee
God's word is true and powerful. His Word has the power to change lives! "For the word of God is alive and Read more