woman with a blanket, open bible and a cup of coffee

Encouraging Bible Verses

God’s word is true and powerful. His Word has the power to change lives!

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” 

Hebrews 4:12

The inspiration behind the name of this website comes from Psalm 139.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14

Verse 14 in Chapter 139 of the Psalms is the Bible verse that inspired this whole website.

One late night in August many years ago when our oldest daughter was a baby, I was thinking about how our children could grow up firmly knowing who they are. In a world so full of different kinds of voices coming to us from all kinds of different directions it is easy to get distracted.

Our children are growing up in a world with search engines, social media, and the internet full of information in a way that I did not. There is so much information out there that is easily accessed but typing in a few words.

One thing that never changes though, is the word of God. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and that it is full of wisdom that we want to hold on to. Through reading His word, we learn about who God is and who God created us humans to be. We can learn about how He is a loving Father and how He sent His son to earth to save us when we messed up.

Thinking back at that late August night I remember that I went to sleep just knowing that I wanted to do something creative to make it easier to remember what is true even when life gets busy.

You were created by the creator of the Universe. God had specific things in mind when He made you. Your life has purpose and you are so loved.

Blog Posts With Encouraging Bible Verses

The Bible is so full of encouragement and guidance for our everyday life. Sometimes it is easy to remember the message of the Bible in church on Sunday, we hope though, that we together will find ways to keep the word in our hearts throughout the week.

So discover together with us what the Bible says about life, about who God made you to be, and what the purpose is that God has put on your life.

Here are our latest blog posts in the category called “Encouraging Bible Verses”.

image with John 8:32
Here are some wallpapers with Bible verses that you can download and use on your phone. Our phones have become
image with Bible verse
We are now in the middle of September and that means that some of us have entered a new school
Graphic with Psalm 34:8
Here are some encouraging Bible verses about the goodness of God. There is so much in the Bible that tells
graphic with note with the bible verse proverbs 19:21
Here are some Bible verses about dreams and goals, that can be an encouragement when entering a new season. We
image with fall leaves and the bible verses galatians 6:9
When this blog post is published we are in mid-August and I think it is okay to start thinking about
Here are some bookmarks with Bible verses that help you remember what is true. Last week we published a blog
sheet with bible verses about faith over fear
Here are some encouraging Bible verses about choosing faith over fear. The words "Fear not!" are repeated so many times
an image with a plant growing in a dry place and the bible verse John 1:5
What is the real meaning of hope? Being people of hope in the middle of darkness The definition of hope
coloring page with open bible and open notebook
Here are some free printable Bible quote coloring pages. Summer is here and for many of us, summer means that
The Bible is full of passages that talks about who we are. Here are 45 Scriptures about your identity in