Picture of the hands of father and daughter and the text "Created for a Purpose Part 1"
Encouraging Bible Verses,  Identity in Christ

Created For A Purpose – Part 1

This is part 1 of a two part series of blog posts about being created for a purpose.

What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose for my own life? What should I do with my life? Do I have a special task that God has given me?

Here we have some of the biggest questions of our lives, questions I believe most of us have thought about, if not all of us.

I think the reason we think about these things is that yes, we are created to be part of something bigger than ourselves. Our lives are meant to be connected to a bigger purpose – the great story of God.

I have thought about this many times and what has helped me is to not just try to figure it out in my own head. I think even just looking at what we are good at naturally is not enough, but we need to go to the source of it all. To creation, to what made all of what we see today start moving many, many years ago.

We can’t find out who we are unless we first get to know God.

I believe we can split up the idea of calling in different categories; our general purpose in life or who we are and our more specific purpose that is more connected to what we do, more generally and individually.

Created For a Purpose – Part 1 – Our General Calling

This is a big topic so this blogpost will be divided in two parts, today we will look at our more
general calling and the principle of using what God has given us and in the next one we will
take a look at some examples of more specific callings we can have.

1. To have a relationship with God

The whole story in the Bible points to this – God wants to have a relationship with us. We
were created in the image of a trinitarian God, the one that defines love and defines

“Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over
the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and
the small animals that scurry along the ground.”

Genesis 1:26

Here we see the words our and us. God was not alone, He was already a relationship;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are invited to be part of that perfect fellowship with Him.
I believe that our highest calling is to reconnect with our creator. To get to know God.

We are created to live in a close relationship with Him and receive our identity from Him – to be sons and daughters of the heavenly Father. We simply cannot skip this step and think that we can
discover who we are in some other way. We need to go back to the source.

Picture of girl playing a guitar in the background and the Bible verse 1 Cor 10:31

2. To steward what God has given us.

When we have this step clear we can move on to thinking about what we are meant to do
with our lives and already here in the first chapter of the Bible we get some direction “They
will reign over….”.

Already from the beginning Adam and Eve were working in the garden, they were not just
spectators but they were co-creating with God. We were never meant to just sit and watch
world history go by, but the purpose was always to take care of and steward well what God
has given us.

This can be many different things since maybe not so many of us actually live in a garden. It
can be taking care of the family God has given us, using the gifts we have or the resources
we have. A good example of this we find in the story of the talents that we can find in the
book of Matthew in chapter 25.

Matthew Chapter 25

I encourage you to go and read the story for yourself, but for the sake of space I will
summarize it. The story starts with a man that is about to go on a journey and he calls his
servants to him before he leaves. To one servant he gives one talent, to one two talents and
to the third one he gives five talents, after that he leaves.

When he comes back from his journey he meets his servants to check what happened with
the talents he gave them. Two of them have doubled the talents, the one that had two now
has four and the one that had five now has ten. The one that had one, had not done anything with
what was given to him and had only kept it hidden during this time which upset the master

I think this story really encourages us to use the gifts God has given us well, to not just put
them on a shelf or dig them down.

Gifted For A Purpose

image of a woman hold a coffee cup reading the Bible and the text layover "created for a purpose"

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is
prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; f it is serving, then serve; if it is
teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give
generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”

Romans 12: 6-8

The Bible clearly encourages us to use what He has given us. If you are unsure about your
gifts I really encourage you to go back to the first point we discussed – our personal
relationship with Him. Ask Him and ask the people around you what they see in you.

Always remember – you are created to live in a deep connection with your creator and He
has given you gifts and talents that you can use for His glory! We are meant to live big lives,
lives that are connected to God’s big plan for the world – for people to know Him and live in
fellowship with Him!

God, thank you for creating me! I also want to thank You for the specific way You created
me, for the gifts and talents You have given me. Help me to live close to You and to use what
You have given me to bring You glory and joy. Help me also to show others the way to get to
know You, better or for the very first time. I want to live for You and I want to believe You
have good plans for my life!

We are so happy that you found our blog! In a few weeks we will publish part two in this blog series about being created for a purpose. As we publish the next part we will leave it linked here below.

If you are interested in reading more on this topic, feel free to visit our category on the blog called “Identity in Christ”. Here is a link:https://underbartskapad.com/category/encouraging-bible-verses-en/identity-in-christ-en-en/

We hope you will have a blessed rest of your week! Remember that you were created for a purpose.

Many greetings from us

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