Free Printable Bible Quote Coloring Pages
Here are some free printable Bible quote coloring pages.
Summer is here and for many of us, summer means that we get to enjoy a little bit of rest and having some time with friends and family.
July is the big vacation month here where we live and as I am writing this it’s the first of July and many of the people we know are leaving for vacations right now.
Getting to rest and get some time to slow down is such a valuable thing. I look forward to enjoying this summer, to spend time at the beach and our summer place.
But something that I also wish for this summer is that I wouldn’t take a break from God. I know I have done it before and I guess I’m not the only one. Sometimes when our routines are not as they usually are we tend to get out of the habit of spending time with God.
That has happened to me so many times but I really wish that this summer would be a time to stay focused on what God is teaching me.
So, if you are anything like me we can do this together. Let’s stick to a routine of seeking God even when we leave for vacations, a planned trip, or whatever this summer holds for you.
Creative Ways To Read Scripture
These last weeks I have been thinking about how much God’s word has transformed the way I view life, myself, and the people around me.
God’s word truly has the power to change lives.
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12
When I, many years ago now, decided to do a discipleship training school with YWAM I got an opportunity to read God’s word and learn about how to apply it to my life in a way that was so good for me.
One of the tasks we got was to write a journal about what we had learned during the week and what God was teaching us through the teaching and other activities that we took part in. And we were encouraged to do so in a creative way.
I am a person who likes creativity, I guess that is obvious if you see this website. I like to knit and do creative things but for some reason, I thought that it was hard to be creative with the way that I wrote that journal. The first week I used some different colors when I wrote in the journal but I remember that I got a note from my mentor that encouraged me to be creative.
Using Creativity To Process
During the months of my DTS, my journal got more and more creative and I started to see the value in being creative with the things I felt God was teaching me and process the teaching in a creative way to let God reveal more things to me.
Creativity for me makes me zoom out and focus on the big picture and how everything relates. It makes me focus on the big point that God is highlighting and helps me find ways to apply what I am learning to the way I live.
So, creativity can be used in so many different ways to process what God wants to teach us right now.
So, here are some coloring pages that you can use if you want to do so to process a Bible verse that is teaching you something right now. Further down is a blank one so that you can fill in any Bible verse.

Bible Quote Coloring Pages
Here are some more coloring pages with Bible verses.
If you are interested in more coloring pages with Bible verses, there are so many more to find on this website. To see all the blog posts in that category, follow this link: https://underbartskapad.com/category/free-printable-coloring-pages/
Coloring is one of our favorite activities in our family. We have three kids, seven, four, and two years old and they all like to color. Some days they prefer a blank paper and like to draw something on their own but it is also fun to have some coloring pages at hand.
If you like coloring you can find a lot of different kinds of coloring pages for different ages in different categories. Feel free to look around and leave us a comment if there is some specific kind of coloring page that you would like to see us make in the future.

In Need Of Encouragement?
The name of this website is in Swedish. Underbart skapad are the Swedish words for wonderfully made.
We believe that every person is wonderfully made by the creator of the universe. When we get to know who our creator is and why he made us we can start living the life that we were created for. God’s design for you and the intentions he has for your life are so amazing.
You have something very unique to give to this generation and this time that we live in. You can reflect God in a way that no one else can.
God’s creativity is so evident in creation, he could have decided to create anything and he decided to create you. There is so much intention behind everything God creates.
Me and my sister write new blog posts on that subject regularly so feel free to follow along as we learn more about how to live life together with God.
If you want to read more about that follow this link: https://underbartskapad.com/category/encouraging-bible-verses-en/identity-in-christ-en-en/
We wish you a blessed summer and hope to see you again soon.
Remember that you are wonderfully made and that God has so much more that he wants to show you about who he is and why he made you.
This summer can be a time to spend time in his presence, reading his word, and getting to know more about his thoughts for you.
I have learned that there is always more that he wants to reveal to us. And that is true for you too.
Many greetings from us at Wonderfully Made