coloring card with flowers and Bible verse about friendship
Coloring Pages with Bible Verses,  Encouraging Bible Verses,  Free printable coloring pages

Bible Verses About Friendship – FREE Coloring Cards

Here are some free printable coloring cards with Bible verses about friendship.

Today it’s Valentine’s Day and that day is celebrated in many different countries all around the world. Valentine’s Day is a perfect excuse to show some love to the people around us that we care about.

I don’t know what Valentine’s Day looks like where you live, in some parts of the world it seems like Valentine’s Day is mostly celebrated by couples and it’s celebrated in a romantic way.

In Finland, where I grew up, Valentine’s Day is called “friend day”. It is a day when friendship is celebrated. I grew up, telling people “Happy Friend Day”, on the 14th of February.

On Friends’ Day in Finland, you could get a card or note from a friend to wish each other a Happy Friend Day. I kind of like that tradition. I think we more often celebrate the love between couples than see the value of true friendship.

So let’s take the chance to show our friends that we appreciate them this Valentine’s Day. One way of doing that could be to give them a card. Making a personal card for someone you care about is made really easy by using one of these coloring cards below. These coloring cards are free to download and print out.

Coloring Cards With Bible Verses About Friendship

All of the coloring cards in this blog post have some Bible verses about friendship. If you would prefer a card without scripture you can go to this blog post instead to find coloring cards with hearts but without text:

Friendship is something we can read about in the Bible, here is a verse from Proverbs that describes friendship really well.

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
    and the pleasantness of a friend
    springs from their heartfelt advice.”
Proverbs 27:9

Friends who give heartfelt advice are so valuable.

True friends are not afraid to be honest. I think there is something so beautiful about how friends when they trust in each other, can be honest and know that that’s okay.

Having a friend who dares to give advice that is challenging is something that can bring growth when it’s needed.

John 15:13 Coloring Page

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
John 15:13

The Bible talks about how we get to love because God first loved us. Jesus showed us such a radical love through the death on the cross that He suffered for our sins.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. That sacrificial love that Jesus has for us is for everyone. Maybe you know someone who needs a reminder that they are unconditionally loved.

Printing out this coloring page and giving it to someone can be a creative way to remind someone that they are deeply loved by their creator and heavenly Father.

“Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
    and has no one to help them up.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

I remember that the verses from Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 were quoted at our wedding. I think knowing that we are stronger together is a very good foundation to build life on. We were not created to spend our life alone in isolation.

“If either of them falls down, one can help the other up”. I have seen this so very true in our marriage. When one of us is worn down and tired, it’s so good to know there is someone else there to support us.

Same thing with friends. When we choose to surround ourselves with community and friends, we have people to celebrate with when there are things to celebrate but also we have people in our lives to help us up when that is needed.

I hope that these coloring cards with Bible verses about friendship will be useful for you.

Looking For More Coloring Pages?

If you liked these coloring cards, make sure to take a look at all the other free printable coloring pages that we have published on this website. Here is a link that you can follow:

We design and publish new coloring pages on a regular basis so feel free to leave a comment with some suggestions on what you would like us to make coloring pages on next.

We hope that you have had a good day and that the rest of your week will be blessed.

Hope to see you again soon!

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