Light Of The World Coloring Pages – John 8:12
Here are some free printable “Light of the World” coloring pages for Christmas ready to download and print out!
“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
John 8:12
Here in Sweden where we live, Christmas time is the darkest time of year. Days are short and nights are long. December is a beautiful month with all the Christmas decorations and things like that but the lack of sunlight can feel hard sometimes.
But as people sometimes say: You don’t know what you have before you lose it. 😉 The short days in December, make me appreciate the sunlight so much more when we get to see the sun. A few minutes with sunlight brightens up my day in ways it never does during summer.
Sometimes darkness makes you appreciate the light even more.
The promise Jesus gives, that whoever follows him never will walk in darkness is such a wonderful promise. Keeping our eyes and hearts focused on Jesus gives light to our lives each day.
Light Of The World Coloring Pages – FREE Download
These “Light of the World” coloring pages are free to download and print out for personal use. We ask you NOT to upload them to another website without our permission or linking to our website.
Feel free to use these coloring pages in a creative way. If you want you could print them out on thicker paper and use them as Christmas cards.

Reading the Gospels, reading about the life of Jesus, gives so much insight and clarity on who God is and the life that we are called to live together with Him.
Verse 12 in Chapter 8 in the Gospel of John continues “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
So whoever follows Jesus, will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. We will live in the light if we choose to follow Jesus.
The choice that is up to us is if we will follow Jesus. The gospel of John tells us that whoever follows Jesus will never walk in darkness. When we choose to follow Jesus we are guided by the light of life.
What Is The Light We Get To Live In?
In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that He is the light of the world. Jesus claims to be the illuminating presence of God. Some of the people that heard him believed him, but some tried to kill him.
The Gospel of John, describes Jesus in different ways. There is a really good summary of the Gospel of John on the youtube channel “the Bible Project” that is a great resource if you want to dig deeper into the life of Jesus.
Here is a link to a video, giving a summary of the gospel of John: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-2e9mMf7E8
God always wants to keep revealing more about who he is and who we are as his sons and daughters. This Christmas can be a time when you get to understand even more about the life that God created you for.
John 8:12 Coloring Pages

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. “
John 14:12
You are equipped to do even greater things than what Jesus modeled when He was here on this earth! There is so much power in the authority there is in Him.
You are so loved by God and He loves to partner up with you!

We hope you will have a fun time coloring. Please, feel free to leave a comment if there is something specific you would like to see us make coloring pages on in the future!
If you are interested in more free printable coloring pages, feel free to visit the category on our blog where you can find all the other coloring pages that we have published thus far. Here is a link that you can follow: https://underbartskapad.com/category/free-printable-coloring-pages/
We wish you the Merriest Christmas and a blessed New Year!
We also hope that you will be back here next year as we continue to publish new free printable coloring pages.
Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made