Wonderfully Made Scripture + FREE Printable Coloring Pages
These Wonderfully Made scripture coloring pages are free to download and print out.
Coloring is one of our favorite things to do when we are creative at home. We have three small children, one, three, and six years old. They all, at their own level, really enjoy coloring.
Ever since I was little I have really enjoyed doing all things creative. So I guess it is no surprise that I like to introduce our children to creative things from an early age.
These last years I have been enjoying making coloring pages as there are always new requests from our children for coloring pages. So when we started this website, that we want to be a creative place but also a place for people to be encouraged and reminded of the truth, I thought we could share some of the coloring pages here.
The following coloring pages have some words of encouragement. You are so wonderfully made! You were created with purpose. God loves you so much!
Wonderfully Made Scripture
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14
This is the verse that gave this website its name. Underbart Skapad are the Swedish words for wonderfully made.
We believe that every person is wonderfully made with very much intention. Everything that God creates is so wonderful. When we go out in nature it is not hard to see that God is such an amazing creator.
When we see big mountains or a loud mighty river it is easy to be impressed by God’s design.
God created you with the same creativity as he made the most amazing things in nature. The truth is that you are made in a beautiful, fearful, and wonderful way!
We hope that every person will know and believe that!
Created by God Bible Verse
“So God created mankind in his own image,
Genesis 1:27
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.”
God created you in His image. Just as He is such an amazing creator you also get to create things.
God wanted you to exist, he made you with so much intention. Every detail about you is amazing!
“Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Luke 12:7
God also knows you very well. God is the one that made you. He knows you better than anyone else, even better than you know yourself.
God has so much that He wants to show you.
When we get to know God, we also get a better understanding of who we are.
When we get to know our creator, we start living the life we were made for.

How To Get Closer To God
For a long time when I was younger I longed for a close relationship with God. I saw other people that expressed how they experienced God in a personal way. And I also wanted to have a close relationship to Him.
I think that all of us long for a relationship with our creator. God designed us in such a way that we can communicate with Him.
One of the most important decisions I made in order to get to know Him better was to carve out time for it. First I decided to read the whole Bible in a year. And later I made a decision to do a Discipleship Training School with YWAM. I got 6 months of just spending time with God, getting to know Him, and making Him known.
It changed my life.
Getting to know God better, changes our life. It is a big topic so I will make another blog post about that in the coming weeks.
I will try to link to that blog post here if I remember to come back and add the link.
If not, if you want to know more about getting closer to God, make sure to visit the category that is called Devotionals on our blog. You can find that in the menu above.
Well, well, anyway…
Back to the coloring pages…
We hope you will have a fun time coloring these Wonderfully Made scripture coloring pages.
There are a lot more free printable coloring pages under the category called printable coloring pages on the blog so if you are looking for more free printable coloring pages feel free to go look over there.
We hope you will have a wonderful rest of your day, wherever you are!
Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made