Short Encouraging Bible Verses – Easy to Memorize
Here are some short encouraging Bible verses that are easy to memorize.
The Bible is full of encouragement and guidance.
Reading the Bible on a regular basis has changed my life. First, when I started to read the Bible, I made it a goal to finish reading the Bible in one year.
After that year, I took a few days off and felt such an emptiness. I longed for the word.
Honestly, I think all of us long for the word of God and His guidance even if many of us don’t realize it.
We are created to be in a relationship with God. We are made to be close to Him and listen to His voice. That is how He made us.
Reading His word and guarding them in our hearts is such a life-giving thing!
Memorizing some Bible verses can be very helpful to keep His words in our hearts all through our day.
Here are some short encouraging bible verses that are easy to memorize.
Short Encouraging Bible Verses

“‘May the Lord bless you
Numbers 6:24
and protect you.”
The Lord wants to bless you, He protects you. God is such a good Father. He wants the absolute best for you!
“For the word of God will never fail.””
Luke 1:37
When the angel came to tell Mary that she would conceive and give birth to Jesus he reminded her that the word of God never fails.
God is a faithful God. God keeps His promises. The word of God never fails.

“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
Psalm 119:105
and a light for my path.”
The word of God is a lamp to guide our feet.
After becoming a mom I have on many different occasions had to navigate myself through a dark room, literally.
During times when our children wake up during the night, our apartment is dark and I have many times been frustrated with the dark.
I have stumbled and I have hurt myself many times. And sometimes in a hurry and very sleepy it has been hard to get to their room.
So the lack of light has been a frustration and I have started to appreciate light even more. I have learned where to keep some small night lamps in order to not hurt myself.
The word of God is a lamp to our feet. Without light, we stumble and hurt ourselves.
So, getting to know our creator and listening to His word is not only a way to know our way forward it is also a way to stay healthy and safe.
God Gives Power, He is Our Refuge

“He gives power to the weak
Isaiah 40:29
and strength to the powerless.”
The Lord gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Feeling weak and knowing that we all have weaknesses doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
We are all unique, we are created to work best when we work together. We are not created to be alone. Needing others is a part of our design.
Needing God is a part of our design. God gives power to the weak. He provides.
“God is our refuge and strength,
Psalm 46:1
always ready to help in times of trouble.”
God is our refuge and our strength. He is always ready to help in times of trouble.
God wants to help us in good times and bad times. God wants to be a part of all our lives.

“The Lord is good to everyone.
Psalm 145:9
He showers compassion on all his creation.”
Short Bible Verses with Guidance
Often times our decisions come out of our attitude and what we are focusing on.
This year I am trying to ask myself often where my focus is to remember to keep the focus on the most important.
I also want to keep a helpful attitude in situations where I am challenged to lose my patience etc.
In order to stay with the right focus it is important to have the mindset that the Bible challenges us to have.
“Do everything without complaining and arguing,”
Philippians 2:14
Do everything without complaining and arguing. Truly, choosing to not complain is a powerful tool in order to focus on the things we are grateful for.
“Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.”
Colossians 3:2
Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. This year I will mostly be at home taking care of our three small children.
Sometimes I am fooled to think less of that kind of investment to stay home and care for our small kids. Sometimes it feels insignificant and monotone.
Recently, I have been reminded that the time we spend investing in our children has eternal value. I want to remember that and know I am at the place God wants me to be.

“We love each other because he loved us first.”
1 John 4:19
We love each other because He loved us first. We love because we have received love. There is no need for us to create our own love. We just need to pass along the love we already receive and keep on receiving.
Stay Blessed.
If you are looking for more encouraging bible verses on different topics, we have a lot more blog posts covering different topics and what the bible says about them.
If that sounds interesting to you, follow the link below:
We will continue posting a new blog post every week during this year so make sure to be back here soon for more content on how to live life close to our creator.
The name of this website are the Swedish words for Wonderfully made. We believe every person is wonderfully made by our heavenly Father.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Psalm 139:14
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”
Our prayer is that everyone would know full well that they are fearfully made by the creator of the universe.
We hope this website can be a creative place where people will be reminded of who they are and who created them and for what reason.
Please feel very welcome to join us on that journey!
Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made