Winter Coloring Pages with Birds – FREE Printable
Here are some free printable winter coloring pages with birds.
Winter here in Sweden is slowly coming to an end. During spring and fall, we can see how birds are flying in a V-shape, ready for the long journey to find the place where they spend summer or winter.
Most of the birds that spend summer here in Sweden, that travel to warmer places for winter, fly all the way to Africa. It is a long way to travel. It is very impressive really.
Still, some birds choose to stay.
These birds remind us that God creates with so much variety. All birds look kind of the same but some are actually equipped in a way so that they can survive and thrive in colder weather. God is such an amazing creator. His creativity is limitless.
Coloring Pages with Birds for Winter
These coloring pages have the size A4. For the best quality on the coloring page, we recommend that you press download below the images to download and print them out!
Feel free to use these coloring pages with family and friends. You are not allowed to upload these coloring pages to another website without our permission or without linking to our website.

God’s Creativity Is Limitless
God creates with such perfection. God created all different kinds of birds differently so that they can live in different places around the globe in different kinds of weather and temperatures.
In the same way, God created us uniquely. We are all equipped a little differently. We have different gifts and personalities. Some things that feel hard to do for some people come naturally for others.
I once heard that you can find the things that God is calling you to in the things that come easy to you. God is our creator, he had plans for your life before you were created.
Knowing our creator makes it possible for us to understand who we are and what his purpose for our lives is. It is impossible to know who we are made to be without knowing who he is.
God has so many good plans for you. He longs to have a close relationship with you and show you why he made you and what purpose he has for you.
You are loved, you are seen and you are equipped.
Some of the birds that chose to stay in colder countries during winter are small and looking at their outer appearance maybe we could think they would be better off in warmer places. But they are confident and know that they are equipped for winter.
God has equipped you in a specific way so that you can thrive and bless the people around you.

We hope you will have a fun time coloring!
If you have some suggestions on what kind of coloring pages you would like to see from us in the coming weeks, feel free to leave a comment! We always appreciate hearing from you!
Looking for more free printable coloring pages? Here is a link to all the other coloring pages that we have published thus far:
We hope you will have a wonderful day wherever you are!
See you again next week!
Blessings from us at Wonderfully Made.