Coloring bookmarks for fall.
Encouraging Bible Verses,  Fall Coloring Pages,  Free printable coloring pages

Free Coloring Bookmarks For Fall

Here are some free coloring bookmarks for fall.

A few weeks ago we posted some free printable coloring bookmarks and they have been more popular than I expected them to be.

Therefore, we want to publish a few more and as we are at the end of September, the coloring bookmarks in this blog post will be fall-themed.

Fall time is such a nice time of year. The days are a little bit more chilly and the trees start to turn into all kinds of different colors.

During fall the rainy days are getting more frequent and during those days we get to spend more time inside.

Even if our children enjoy jumping in puddles and they actually don’t mind if the weather is rainy, we tend to spend more time indoors as the weather gets colder.

One really nice activity that we like to do as a family when we are spending time inside is coloring. Coloring is such an easy activity that doesn’t require that much preparation but it keeps our children busy for quite a long time.

Free Coloring Bookmarks For Fall

These coloring bookmarks are free to download and print out for personal use. We ask you not to upload them to another website without our permission or linking to our website.

“The grass withers, the flower fades,
    but the word of our God will stand forever.”
Isaiah 40:8

The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. The word of God and the character of God will never change. Even when everything around us is changing, God will always stay the same.

Coloring Pages For Fall

One of the really nice things about fall is the beautiful colors in nature.

The colors of fall are so warm. So making some coloring pages with some leaves and things related to fall is very nice.

We have two people in our family who really like fall, both of them, including me, have their birthday in October so maybe that is the reason why we like fall that much. 😉 We hope that we can spread some of our excitement to you if you aren’t as excited as us for this season that we are in. 🙂

These coloring bookmarks are just a few of so many more coloring pages for fall that we have published on this website, so if you want to see the other coloring pages we have already published, follow this link:

Coloring Pages With Bible Verses

“This is the day that the Lord has made;
    let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24

There is so much power in being thankful. Acknowledging that every day belongs to God is a good way to start a new day.

That is something that I need to be reminded of often. God is the one allowing us to wake up every new day. Every day is a gift.

Some days it’s easy to thank God and other days it’s harder. I don’t know how your fall is going. Depending on the circumstances we are in it might be easy for some of us to be thankful and harder for others.

In moments when life is challenging, I often think about 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Verse 18 says to give thanks IN all circumstances. We don’t need to thank God FOR all circumstances.

Sometimes our circumstances are hard and challenging. In moment like that, we don’t need to thank him for all the hardships but we can know that God is still faithful and loving in the midst of that. We can thank him for not leaving us or forsaking us and for being our comfort when life is tough.

In Proper Time We Will Reap

Many Bible verses are great reminders that can help us keep our focus on the most important things. Using bookmarks with encouraging Bible verses can be one way to remind us of what God says about things.

One verse that has challenged me the past few months is Galatians 6:9.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9

Earlier this fall we published a blog post with some graphics with encouraging Bible verses for fall. I will leave a link to that blog post if you want to read some more thoughts about Galatians 6:9. Here it is:

Welcome Back Soon Again

We are so happy that you found our website. We publish a new blog post every week so you are more than welcome back next week for more blog posts like this one.

We do make new coloring pages regularly so if you have a suggestion on a Bible verse that you would like us to include in a coloring page, please let us know in the comments.

We hope that this website will be a place to be inspired to be creative and also that people will be reminded that they are wonderfully made by the creator of the universe.

You are so valuable to your heavenly father. You can reflect your creator in a way no one else can!

Hope to see you again soon.

Many blessings from us

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