Free printable coloring pages

New Years Coloring Pages – 2023 – FREE Download

Here are some free printable New Years coloring pages for you.

There is only one day left of 2022 and then a new year begins.

It is an exciting time to pray and seek God for the year 2023. This new year has so many opportunities. I hope to use them in the best way.

“Praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.”

Psalm 106:1

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever.

Even if times change, circumstances change, we grow and seasons are shifting, God will always be the same.

God is unchanging, almighty, and all-knowing. He knows you very well and he knows your circumstances and your challenges.

God has so much that he wants to show you during this next year.

New Years Coloring Pages 2023

These coloring pages have the size A5 and are free to download and print out. For the best quality on the coloring pages, we recommend that you press download below the images to download them and print them out.

Praise the Lord, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Starting a new year brings us to new projects and opportunities.

I don’t know if you are excited about this new year or if you feel overwhelmed with the challenges that it will bring. But no matter how you feel you can know that God’s love for you endures forever.

The Lord is good and he will be faithful also during this new year.

A Bible Verse I Am Reminded Of This New Year

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Matthew 5:14-16

For every new year, I like to ask God for a word for the new year so that I can stay focused on the things that he is speaking to me and my family during the time to come.

Sometimes it is so easy to just start the year, I like new projects and taking on new challenges, so then it can be easy to just start the year in my own strength. But seeking God gives him room to help me focus on the most important things that he has for me and my family.

One of my prayers for 2023 is that we as a family would be able to share what God has done in our lives with the people around us.

I pray that we will have many opportunities to bless others.

God also wants to use you. He has equipped you for this coming year to share about him with the people around you.

He also just longs to be with you. He is your father and he loves you so much. He wants to show you what he has for you during the year 2023.

We hope you will have a fun time coloring!

During this past year, we have posted a lot of coloring pages so if you are looking for more coloring pages that are free to download and print out, press the link below:

If you have suggestions on what kind of coloring sheets you would like to see from us these coming weeks, please let us know in the comments.

Once again: we wish you a very happy and blessed year of 2023!

See you again then!

Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made
