black and white picture with firework and the number 2024
Free printable coloring pages

New Year’s Pictures To Color

Here are some free printable New Year’s pictures to color for you!

The month of December is flying by and soon 2023 is coming to an end.

To be honest, this year went by even faster than the year before. I guess that is just how it is, the older you get, the faster years go by. I can’t believe 2024 soon will start!

A new year makes some people feel motivated to start working toward the life that we long for. It is a time of new goals and new year resolutions.

This year I won’t write any resolutions but it is always nice to take some time to seek God for the year that is ahead.

I am excited for a new year, it feels nice to open a new chapter and to start fresh.

New Year’s Pictures To Color – Free Download

These New Year’s Pictures to color are free to download and print out for personal use. We ask you NOT to upload them to another website without our permission.

Fireworks are an exciting part of the New Year celebrations all around the world.

I think most countries that celebrate the new year, have fireworks in some kind of form.

In my hometown, even if it is a small town, the fireworks at midnight are an exciting thing to wait for.

I hope that you too will have a festive new year’s celebration.

These firework coloring pages can be colored in so many different ways. There is no limit to the color combinations that you can use.

We hope you will have lots of fun coloring them!

Encouragement For The New Year

Praise the Lord.[a]

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures for ever.”

Psalm 106:1

“The Lord is good; his love endures for ever.” The Lord is so good!

To be honest, 2023 was a pretty busy and hard year for me. We moved apartments and have three very energetic small children that we are so thankful for.

Life gets really busy though and it’s not always easy to navigate all that with small children to care for and nourish.

Reflecting back on it I think maybe 2023 has been my busiest year yet in my life. And I have always been a go-get-it, work-hard kind of person. I like to keep myself busy.

But being surrounded by constant needs is challenging. Adding packing all our belongings and moving on top of that was very overwhelming.

Yeah, I guess feeling overwhelmed is a good word to describe 2023. I pray that 2024 will be a little calmer in some way at least. 😀

God Will Always Be Good, That Will Always Be True

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes have had a hard time facing hard times when I have tried to seek God’s guidance and act on that.

Sometimes I have been guilty of thinking that if life gets hard, maybe I didn’t hear God right.

But reading the Bible it is clear that God actually doesn’t promise us an easy life.

God promises us to always be with us, to never leave us, and never forsake us. He promises that He will never change. He will always be a good father.

But that life always will be easy, that is not something that he actually promises us.

I have been reminded of that this year.

But I have also once again seen His faithfulness and goodness. God is such a good father!

I am excited for another year together with Him as my guide!

Winter Coloring Pages

Here in Sweden, the winter season is fully here. We have enjoyed a lot of snow these first weeks of winter and that is quite unusual for where we live.

But it has been lots of fun.

Just as we always do when a new season is starting, we publish some season-specific coloring pages.

In the coming weeks, we will be posting some pictures to color for the winter season so if you are interested in that, make sure to be back in a couple of weeks.

And, this is also your chance! If you have some ideas on what kind of winter coloring pages you would like to see from us, please leave a comment. That would be so fun, to hear from you!

Looking for more printable coloring pages?

If you are looking for more printable coloring pages, feel free to check out the coloring pages that we have published thus far here on this website.

If you are interested in that, follow the link below:

The name of this Website

The name of this website “Underbart Skapad” are the Swedish words for wonderfully made. The inspiration for the website comes from Psalm 139:14.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14

We believe that every person is wonderfully created by God.

God creates in such a wonderful way!

When we are out in nature it is easy to see that everything that God makes is so amazing. God creates with so much intention and detail.

God could have created anything and He decided to make you!

You are so beautiful to Him!

We hope that every person will know full well that they are wonderfully made.

What We Will Post On This Website in the New Year

This website is a creative place we hope will remind people of what is true.

The content on this website will stay the same as it has been this last year.

We will keep on posting printable coloring pages and other creative projects. You will also find some encouraging blog posts about what God says about you and why you were created.

We hope that we will see you again soon!

Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made