Easy Salt Dough Recipe
This easy salt dough recipe might be a little different than what you have tried before. This recipe is a very popular salt dough recipe in Sweden and contains a little bit of rapeseed oil to make the dough a little smoother.
Making decorations with salt dough is a fun craft activity for kids. It is super simple to do and you probably have what you need at home already. It’s definitely one of your favorite craft activities. This is the recipe we use.
Salt dough recipe
1 cup of flour
1/2 cup salt
1/4- 1/2 cup water
1 1/2 tablespoons rapeseed oil
Mix flour, salt, water and rapeseed oil together. Start with 1/4 cup water and keep adding more until you have a smooth dough.

Salt dough is so easy to make and it can be used for many different creative ideas.
At the time when I am writing this blog post, we are out in the woods in Finland at our summer place. Maybe not the place where we usually spend our holidays in December but because of the current situation with the pandemic, here we are.
We live in Sweden so as we travel to Finland for Christmas, we need to spend a few days at our summer place before meeting my family. We are really enjoying our time so we have no problem with that.
We are enjoying nature and also, and we prepared with paper, colored pencils, and different kinds of craft things because we knew that we also needed a lot of ideas on creative ideas we could do inside. It gets dark outside, pretty early, already at 3 pm it’s starting to get darker outside so we spend a lot of time indoors.
Salt dough is one of the things we have made to keep us busy.
Salt Dough Ornaments
You can make so many different things with salt dough, we decided to make some ornaments. You could hang these in a window or in your Christmas tree.
Here is how we made our salt dough decorations:
Roll the dough to 1/5 inch thick and make your decorations. You can use cookie cutters or cut them out by hand.

Bake in the oven for approximately 2 hours on 100 degrees celsius/210 F. Turn the decorations over after half the time baking.

There is really no limits to what kind of things you can create with the dough. So feel free to be creative and try different things out!
Done! These we hang up in the window as decorations in our daughters room. She was so so happy. Kids really know how to appreciate the small things in life! 🙂

We hope you will have lots of fun!
Be blessed!
If you are interested in more craft ideas make sure to look at the other craft ideas we have on our website.
We also have a lot of free printable coloring pages for kids different ages so if that is something you would like to check out follow the link below:
We hope that you will have a wonderful day wherever you are!
Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made