stop scrolling image with ideas to do instead
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Stop Scrolling – 20 Things To Do Instead Of Being On Your Phone

Sometimes we need a reminder to stop scrolling. Here are some ideas on what to do instead of being on your phone.

This blog post is for me. Mostly. I have been challenging myself to do less scrolling and try to do things that give me rest and inspiration instead.

I am a mom of three young kids and time is a thing that has a lot of value at the moment. No matter how I plan out my days it seems like there isn’t enough time for everything I would like to do during a day.

When time is scarce, I have been looking for ways to make the ways I use my time more efficient. Not in the way of doing more multitasking ;), because I already do too much of that. Haha. But to make sure that the things I invest my time into actually add value to my days.

Scrolling Isn’t Resting

One thing that I have been working on to do less at the end of my day is spending time on my phone. Using the phone is not all bad, there is a time to respond to messages and things like that but spending a lot of time on the phone without being productive is not restful for me.

So this blog post is for me. Mostly. I need strategies to spend less time on my phone and find other things that I can do instead. So this is a part of my process of spending less time scrolling and you are invited into that.

Maybe you too find it hard to limit your time on your phone, so let’s do this together.

20 Things To Do Instead Of Being On Your Phone

Firstly, let’s see what things to do instead of being on our phones. I made an image with some of my favorite things to do that I will have on my phone as wallpaper for some time, just to be reminded to spend less time on my phone.

But we are all different and like to do different things so here is a list of things to do instead of being on your phone:

  1. Take a Walk
  2. Bake
  3. Knit
  4. Read a book
  5. Journal
  6. Exercise
  7. Cook
  8. Hike
  9. Have a tea or a coffee without your phone
  10. Paint
  11. Listen to music
  12. Learn something new, like gardening, or try a new recipe
  13. Talk to a friend
  14. Play an instrument
  15. Color in an adult coloring book
  16. Start a puzzle
  17. Do sudoku
  18. Write a letter
  19. Water the plants
  20. Play a board game

Finding Ways To Rest As A Mom

Sometimes I get caught in this mindset of trying to optimize my day in a way that I get the most done possible. I multitask and try to meet every need around me. As a mom that is almost impossible. There are always more needs that could be met.

Finding time to rest after becoming a mom has become another thing that I need to write down on my calendar. If I don’t plan for it it won’t happen.

Filling my days with a lot of things, striving to reach new goals, etc has always been fun for me. Before becoming a mom, I didn’t leave a lot of space for resting during my days, Monday to Friday, because I knew that in some way I could find time to rest soon during the weekend.

Becoming a mom I wasn’t really prepared for the intensity it can bring. At least with smaller kids, it seems that you always need to be prepared for a night with little sleep. When your babies and toddlers get sick or in other ways need their mommy you can’t just take time to rest whenever.

During weekends, life doesn’t calm down, we still need to care for our family. Weekends are not restful in the same way as before. So I have needed to rethink my approach to resting.

Doing Something Creative Just For Fun

Before becoming a mom I saw rest as not doing much at all. Taking time to sleep in and not plan much for my days off. Now, my mind as a mom is so full of to-do lists and tasks that need to get done so actually trying to not do anything can make me more stressed than relaxed. 😀

Lately, I have found that I also feel very rested if I do something creative, just for the fun of it. Baking just because it’s restful or knitting something just for fun.

So different seasons in life require different ways of rest.

Inspiration To Find Joy In Being Creative

If you too like to do something creative, we hope that this website will be a place where people find inspiration to be creative in different ways.

Feel free to look around. There are so many free printable coloring pages both for kids and adults on this website so if coloring could be restful for you, follow this link:

If baking or knitting would be a better activity for you, you are so welcome to use our free knitting patterns or the few baking recipes we have published.

Keep It Simple

Something that is so important for me is to keep things simple. If I try to do something too complicated that requires too much thinking and planning I won’t do it.

So finding creative activities that almost go on autopilot can be helpful if you still find that you are reaching for your phone instead of choosing other activities. Maybe printing out some coloring pages so that you have them ready when you need them can be helpful. Or starting that knitting project or starting to read a new book when you have a little energy so that you just can pick up where you left it whenever.

Some of the things on the list are more time-consuming than others so depending on how much time you have, choose something that works for you.

Stay Blessed And Rested

We hope that you found this blog post helpful. At least it was a way for me to think of ways to spend less time on my phone and find other things to invest my time in so that I actually feel rested after having some time for myself.

We are so happy that you found our website. We publish a new blog post every week so you are welcome back to take part in all the new things we publish.

Hope you get a blessed rest of your week!

Greetings from us at Wonderfully made

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