Finnish cinnamon rolls on a baking towel
DIY,  Homemaking,  Recipes

Baking Inspiration – Finnish Cinnamon Rolls

This blog post will be a little bit different than the usual blog posts that we publish here on this website.

Usually, we publish blog posts with encouraging Bible verses and things like craft ideas and so on but the last few days have felt a lot like fall, the temperature is dropping a little bit and our oldest children are back to school and kindergarten.

Something we really like to do as fall is coming is baking. Baking has always been one of my favorite things to do with our kids when we spend time inside. Fall time means more time spent indoors for our family. Summer is very much spent outside but as fall time comes, soon it is harder to spend the same amount of hours outside just because the weather gets a little bit more challenging.

One thing we have baked in the last few weeks is some Finnish cinnamon rolls. Usually, we bake cookies or muffins, something that is a little bit more easy to make but one day we wanted to make some cinnamon buns so we decided to do so.

But usually, I choose an easier recipe when I am at home alone with the kids.

Anyway, the cinnamon buns we chose to make are these Finnish Cinnamon Rolls that I really like. Here is the recipe we used:

Traditional Finnish Cinnamon Rolls

About 24 cinnamon rolls

Ingredients for the dough
50 grams yeast
6 dl lukewarm milk
1 pinch of salt
½ teaspoon cardamom
150 g butter at room temperature
1 dl sugar
16–17 dl flour

100 g butter at room temperature
1 dl sugar
2 tablespoon cinnamon

1 egg
Pearl sugar

How To Make Finnish Cinnamon Rolls

1. Pour milk into a bowl and sprinkle the yeast on top. Mix until the yeast dissolves. Add salt, cardamom, butter, sugar. Add the flour, a little at a time, and mix everything together into a smooth dough. Knead it for a few minutes.

little girl mixing dough

2. Cover the bowl with the dough with a baking towel. Let the dough rise for about 40 minutes. 

dough in a bowl under a baking towel

3. Divide the dough into two pieces. Roll one out into a rectangle, about 0,5 cm thick.

two children rolling out the dough

4. Spread half of the butter, cinnamon and sugar on the dough.

a child putting butter, cinnamon and sugar on the dough

5. Roll the dough into a roll and cut it into diagonal pieces, about 12 pieces.

dough roll cut into diagonal pieces

6. Place the bun pieces on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Place them with the wide side down on the baking sheet and the narrow side up. Press them almost all the way to the bottom in the middle with your finger.

finger pressing a cinnamon roll

7. Let them rise under a baking towel for about 30 minutes. Set the oven to 250 degrees celsius. Repeat steps 3–6 with the other half of the dough.

8. Whisk an egg and brush it over the cinnamon rolls. Sprinkle with granulated sugar. 

cinnamon rolls ready for the oven

9. Bake the cinnamon rolls in the middle of the oven for 6-9 minutes depending on the oven. Let the buns cool on a wire rack under a baking towel.

baked cinnamon rolls under a tea towel

What Makes These Cinnamon Rolls Finnish?

The ingredients of these cinnamon rolls are basically the same as normal cinnamon rolls so what then make them Finnish?

The form of the cinnamon rolls is a little bit different. In Finland, we call them “örfilar” which means “slap on the ear”. Maybe that name comes from that if you look at them from the side they might look a little bit like an ear. I actually don’t know.

I grew up in Finland and I didn’t think about the name of these cinnamon rolls before I moved from Finland to Sweden and someone commented that they have an interesting name.

Anyhow, if you want to try a new form of cinnamon rolls, I think you should try to make these.

Easy Baking With Kids

As I said earlier, baking is one of my favorite activities to do with our kids at home. But in order to enjoy the baking process we need to stick to very easy recipes. Our children are still quite young so they easily lose their focus.

I hope to publish another blog post later this fall with some of our favorite recipes to make that are super easy. So if you are interested in that, you can keep an eye out for that.

Other Cozy Fall Time Blog Posts

As fall is such a cozy time I look forward to writing more cozy blog posts for this season. We publish a new blog post every week. Most of the blog posts are about our everyday life with God and things we have learned as followers of Jesus.

You are welcome back soon again and let us know what kind of blog posts you like so that we can make sure to write more of that kind of blog posts.

Last week we published a blog post about encouraging Bible verses for the fall season. Here is a link to that blog post:

So if your Finnish cinnamon rolls are out of the oven, make a cup of tea or coffee and sit down and enjoy.

Hope that you will have a wonderful rest of your day!

Many blessings from us at Wonderfully made