Encouraging Bible Verses
Encouraging Bible Verses
The Bible is the Word of God. It is such a treasure. There is so much wisdom in the Bible. There are so many encouraging bible verses that can guide us through different seasons in our lives. The Bible is like the instructions you get when you buy a piece of furniture that you need to assemble yourself. But the instructions in the Bible are for you. It's the instructions from your creator. Through the Bible, we can also get to know the character of our creator. Our God is so good, He is faithful and kind. He is merciful but just. He is omnipresent and sees everyone on this earth. He loves you! God loves you so much that he sent his only son to die for you so that he could restore his relationship with you! God is not far away. He wants to have an intimate relationship with you. His love for you never change. God wants us to seek him and when we do, He is there, waiting for us. In this category on our website, you can find encouraging bible verses for different seasons you are going through. You can also find thoughts that we have on different subjects like the identity we have in Christ. We hope you will be encouraged and that you will be motivated to dig deeper into the Word of God. God has so much that he wants to show you! The Bible has changed our lives and it will change yours too!-
6 Of The Most Powerful Bible Verses
Here are 6 of the most powerful bible verses in the Bible. These last months I have been taking a course about blogging. I have learned a lot about keywords and keyword research. I have understood the importance of making it easier for people to find the blog posts that I am writing. Everyone who ever has tried blogging knows that there is a lot of time that we spend on writing content that we hope will be helpful to others. It would then be foolish to not try our best to help others find that content that we make. Blog posts that aren’t found are no help to anyone.…
Lessons from 5 women in The Bible
The Bible is full of amazing people we can learn different things from and today we will take a look at 5 women in The Bible and lessons we can learn from them – lessons we can apply in our lives today. Let’s dive in! Jochebed, the mother of Moses Moses is one of the main people in the Bible, but his life could have ended quickly. Pharaoh, the king of Egypt was scared that the Israelites would become too many and powerful and ordered for all male Hebrew babies to be killed. Moses’ mother however decides to hide him for 3 months and later she places him in a…
Short Encouraging Bible Verses – Easy to Memorize
Here are some short encouraging Bible verses that are easy to memorize. The Bible is full of encouragement and guidance. Reading the Bible on a regular basis has changed my life. First, when I started to read the Bible, I made it a goal to finish reading the Bible in one year. After that year, I took a few days off and felt such an emptiness. I longed for the word. Honestly, I think all of us long for the word of God and His guidance even if many of us don’t realize it. We are created to be in a relationship with God. We are made to be close…
Bible Verses About A New Beginning
A new year has begun and for some of us, that means stepping into something new. Further down you will find some bible verses about a new beginning that will encourage you. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, his compassions never fail. They are new every morning” One of the songs that really has kept me going this year is a song in Swedish that is about God’s mercy. God’s mercy and compassion is new every morning. I think we all go through seasons…
Why was Jesus born in Bethlehem?
Bethlehem is today a city with a population of approximately 30 000 citizens located on the West Bank. It’s a place that fills up each Christmas season with people wanting to be in this historical place for this time, to go and see where Jesus was born. Let’s take a look at this city and why Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The words of prophet Micah So why was Jesus born in Betlehem? Around 700 years before Jesus was born there was a prophet named Micah that was active in Judah. He prophesied the words about the birth of Jesus and he also mentioned the location. He said the ruler…
In times of thanksgiving – Bible verses on thankfulness
The Bible is full of tools and wisdom for different seasons in life and today we will take a look at some Bible verses on thankfulness. We are in the middle of holiday season, Thanksgiving and very soon Christmas is also at the door. It’s a time of preparation and seeing family and friends, which can be both something to look forward to and something we are dreading in different ways, a time of great joy or maybe a time of sadness or stress. No matter what this time looks like for us, it’s also a time where we can take a moment to slow down and reflect over the…
The beauty in the mundane – how to enjoy life every day.
enjoy life
How to get out of a rut – a Biblical perspective.
We have all been there: the motivation is low, we feel tired and we know it’s time to get back into things. We are in a rut, we feel stuck. We struggle to do it because it IS hard, we are by nature leaning more towards comfort than working hard. Hopefully this short read will help you if you are in a need of a pick me up! Waking up Waking up is hard sometimes, but very much necessary. Take a day and choose it to be your wake up day, get a good morning routine in, spend a good amount of time in the Word, go for a walk,…
How To Start A Healthy Lifestyle – 1 Timothy 4:8
How to start a healthy lifestyle? The Bible gives us answers about most things. Here are some thoughts about how to live healthily. Since we are small, we are thought to eat vegetables, brush our teeth, have good habits, behave well, and have good manners. Usually, we work hard to do that in front of other people. But what about when nobody sees us? “For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8 In 1 Timothy 4:8, we find that the Bible highlights that physical training is of…
Bible verses on rest – What does the Bible teach us about resting well?
Here are some bible verses on rest that we hope will be an encouragement to you. What does the Bible teach us about rest? It’s summertime and at least for us in Scandinavia it’s a time of taking it slower and enjoying the few sunny, warm days we get in the year. We usually carry an expectation to come back from these weeks of vacation feeling rested and ready for the fall and new challenges. And sometimes and for some people that happens, but have you ever gotten back home feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation? It has definitely happened to me. One thing we might need…