origami butterfly with colored pencils on a white surface
Butterfly Coloring Pages,  Craft inspiration,  DIY

Origami Butterfly Step By Step – FREE Printable

Here are some instructions on how to make an origami butterfly step by step with some images to explain how to fold the paper to make it look like a butterfly.

On this website, we have published so many different coloring pages and some of our most popular coloring pages that we have published thus far are the ones with butterflies.

Butterflies are so colorful so I understand that coloring pages with butterflies are popular.

As butterfly coloring pages are so popular I think these origami butterflies can be really fun to make. This is really easy origami and only requires a few folds so even smaller kids can learn how to make them.

Origami Butterfly Step-By-Step

Here is a free printable that you can download for free and cut out to start making an origami butterfly.

Free printable butterfly origami

When you have printed out the coloring sheet you can start coloring the wings of the butterfly.

When the wings are colored it’s time to start folding.

Keep the colored side of the paper upwards and fold the paper in half both ways into rectangles.

Flip the paper so the colored side is facing down. Fold the paper on the diagonal both ways.

Fold the paper as the images show here below.

Fold the wings upwards on both sides as shown on the images.

Turn over and fold the black part over the edge.

Now, fold the butterfly so the colored wings face each other.

And your butterfly is ready!

origami butterfly folded on a white surface

We hope that you will have a nice time being creative! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

Other Butterfly Coloring Pages

As said earlier, there are so many more coloring pages on this website with butterflies. If you are interested in that feel free to follow this link: https://underbartskapad.com/category/free-printable-coloring-pages/butterfly-coloring-pages/

We hope that this website will be a place to find inspiration to be creative and find joy in using the creativity that our creator has given us.

Wonderfully Made For A Purpose

We believe that every person is created in a wonderful way for a reason. The name of this website are the Swedish words for wonderfully made.

The inspiration for the name comes from Psalm 139:14

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.”
Psalm 139:14

God creates in such a fearful and wonderful way! You were created fearfully and wonderfully by the creator of the universe.

Finding Joy In Being Creative

I have always really enjoyed doing creative things like crafts and knitting and things like that. My sisters are not like that, they don’t enjoy knitting like I do. Knitting makes them more stressed than relaxed.

But my sisters like to be creative in other ways like cooking and baking. I think all of us enjoy being creative in different ways, not all of us enjoy handicrafts but there are so many different ways to be creative.

One way of being creative, that I thought I never really would find much enjoyment in, is writing. But these last couple years as I have been working on this blog I have found that writing also can be quite fun.

Blogging is a very light-hearted way of writing and adding some photography to that it is actually really nice to write a blog post.

I don’t know how you like to be creative but we don’t want to make it seem like doing crafts and coloring are the only way to be creative. There are so many different ways that we get to create new things!

Finding Inspiration To Be Creative

Right now as this blog post is getting published we are in the middle of the fall season here in Sweden where we live. Going out in nature is such a good way to find inspiration to be creative.

“O Lord, how manifold are your works!
    In wisdom have you made them all;
    the earth is full of your creatures.”
Psalm 104:24

The earth is so full of beauty. God creates everything in such an amazing way!

The Creator Of The Universe Decided To Create You

I think it is such a cool reminder that the one that created the wide seas and the high mountains and the smallest details on the butterflies and flowers also decided to create us.

Sometimes I have had an easier time seeing the beauty in all the things around me in creation than seeing beauty in the way god made me. But God created every person in such a fearful and wonderful way.

The creativity that God has is never-ending. God could choose to create anything and he decided to create this earth and the people in it and he saw that it was so good.

“And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.”
Genesis 1:31

God is so happy with you! You are so valuable in his eyes. Your life has a purpose and you can reflect God in a way no one else can!

More Blog Posts About Who God Is

If you want to read more about who God is and why he made you, here is a link that you can follow for more blog posts about that: https://underbartskapad.com/category/encouraging-bible-verses-en/identity-in-christ-en-en/

We are so happy that you found our website. If you have some requests on what kind of blog posts you would like us to write feel free to leave a comment. We publish a new blog post every week so you are welcome back soon again for that.

We hope that you will have a blessed rest of your week.

Many greetings from us at Wonderfully Made

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