Easy Coloring Pages
Easy Coloring Pages
There are so many different kinds of coloring pages that you kind find through Google or other search engines. Some of them are easier and are suitable for younger kids and some of them are more detailed and for older kids and adults. The Coloring Pages in this category are easy. Most of the pictures you will find here have thicker lines and fewer details.Thicker Lines On The Pictures To Color
When you are just starting to learn how to hold a crayon or pencil, it is easier to try to stay between the lines if the lines are thicker. Another element on the coloring pages that affects the level of difficulty is how detailed the picture is. If the picture is full of details and the areas to color are smaller it is more challenging to stay in between the lines and it is also a bigger challenge for your patience. ;) So when you are looking for a coloring page you can keep these two things in mind so that you can find a coloring page that is suitable for the person that will be coloring. We are always very happy when we hear feedback from you so if you would like us to make an easier version of some of the harder coloring pages here on this website, we are so happy to help you with that. In that case, just leave us a comment in the comment section. We wish you the richest blessings.-
Easy To Color – Coloring Pages For Spring
Here are some easy-to-color coloring pages for spring. March is here! Spring is here! Oh, how nice that is! This year we have had a very dark winter here in Sweden. I think we have had snow for maybe two weeks and the rest of the winter has been dark and wet. Those kinds of winters are not my favorite. I would so much prefer a winter that is a little bit colder but with more snow. Just a little bit of snow makes things more bright. So, after a winter like this, spring feels so welcome. Days are getting longer and I am looking forward to warmer days. So,…
Easy Bible Verse Coloring Pages
Here are some free printable easy Bible verse coloring pages for you. The Bible is such an endless source of wisdom that we all can keep on getting wisdom and guidance from. Reading the Bible on a regular basis is really just such a blessing. Sometimes it is hard to know when to fit that into our schedule but I know from personal experience that the seasons in my life when I have prioritized reading God’s word have been the most fruitful ones. Reading the Bible also makes me keep my focus on the most important things and not lose perspective on life. So I really try to make some…
Easy Christmas Coloring Pages – Color Your Own Christmas Cards
Here are some free printable easy Christmas coloring pages for you! On this website, we have published many Christmas coloring pages during the few last years. As I was looking through all the Christmas coloring pages that we have here on this website I realized that most of the coloring pages were quite detailed and the lines were thin. As we try to offer different kinds of coloring pages to different age groups I thought that it was time to publish some coloring pages that could work even for younger children. Our one-and-a-half-year-old has now really started to show interest when our older two children are coloring so we know…
Cute Animal Coloring Pages – FREE Printable
Here are some free printable cute animal coloring pages for you. The weather here has really started to get fall-like and cold, these last few days we have even seen the first snowflakes fall. It’s still too warm for it to stay on the ground but winter is getting closer. Our children are definitely looking forward to winter, that is not hard to guess seeing their excitement over the first snowflakes that we have seen. We are actually starting to plan the coloring pages that we will publish for the coming winter, so leave a comment if you have some specific winter coloring pages that you would like to see…
Easy Leaf Coloring Pages – FREE Printable
Here are some free printable easy leaf coloring pages for you! This autumn has been really warm here in Sweden but these last couple of weeks, the temperature has dropped and it’s starting to feel like fall. This week the leaves in the trees are really starting to change in color. It is such a pretty time of year. I love this part of fall when the trees still are full of leaves but the colors are so warm and beautiful. The colors of fall are just so comforting in some way. Fall means that the days are getting shorter and nights are darker but I appreciate all the time…
Easy Animal Coloring Pages – FREE Download
Here are some free printable easy animal coloring pages for you. This past summer, we made a family trip to a local zoo. It was such a fun day with so many animals that our children got to see for the first time. Truly, both our children and us adults had a great time enjoying all the beauty and uniqueness of the different kinds of animals. It is so amazing to see the variation of all the different species. Some are so big and others so small. The elephants and giraffes, oh, they are so big. I guess it’s no surprise. But seeing them up close really made me a…
Easy Flower Coloring Pages – FREE Download
Here are some free printable easy flower coloring pages for you! “Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12:27 Flowers are such a beautiful part of creation. Flowers have all kinds of different colors and that makes them such a fun thing to draw and color. That is maybe why the flower coloring pages that we published earlier on this website have been so popular. As you seem to like our coloring pages with flowers we thought we would publish a few more. These flower coloring pages are…
Easy Fall Coloring Pages – FREE Printable
Here are some free printable easy fall coloring pages for you. “As long as the earth endures,seedtime and harvest,cold and heat,summer and winter,day and nightwill never cease.” Genesis 8:22 August is slowly coming to an end and seasons are about to change. Summer is slowly turning to fall. The days are getting colder and the trees will turn into all these beautiful colors. And probably, just as the weather is changing, fall time is bringing some kind of change to your days too. I really like fall time. It is a really special time when I think nature is beautiful and there are a lot of new things happening and…
Sun Coloring Pages – FREE Printable
Here are some free printable sun coloring pages. Growing up, summers in Finland often meant not-so-hot weather and not so many sunny days. But during recent years, including this summer that is going on right now, the weather has been warm and sunny for longer periods of time and we have enjoyed many days in the sun. Usually, I actually like the cooler days and don’t really like it when it gets too hot. But now at the beginning of the summer, we have really enjoyed the sun and being able to just put on a pair of shoes and go outside. No coats or hats are needed. This coming…
Easy Rainy Day Coloring Pages
Here are some free printable easy rainy-day coloring pages for you! Summer is here, and so are the warm and sunny days. Summer here in the southern part of Sweden has really started out on a sunny and warm note. We have really enjoyed these first warm and bright weeks of summer! I have heard that the prediction for this summer actually is that it’s going to be a warm summer so we are looking forward to that. But as with any summer here in the North, there will always be some rainy days as well. So, I thought that we would prepare for that as well. 😉 And what…