Cute Pictures To Color – FREE Download
Here are some free printable cute pictures to color for you.
Our children get so excited with everything that is cute. Stuffed animals that have big glittery eyes are a big hit right now. Our oldest daughter got a cute stuffed cat for her birthday a few weeks ago, it has big glittery eyes, and poor her, her little sister wants to play with it so often. š
During the last few years we have published some cute coloring pages here on our website and they always tend to be popular. We thought it could be fun to gather a few of those coloring pages here in one blog post, we will also leave a link to some other cute pictures to color that are already published on this website further below.
Cute Pictures To Color
What makes a coloring page cute then? Well, I guess we all have different answers to that question. The coloring pages in this blog post have cute faces on them.

A Calm Activity For Younger Kids
Having some free printable pictures to color on hand is a go-to activity in our household. Sitting down around the kitchen table and doing some crafts or some coloring is an activity all of our children really like. It gives us a calm moment sometimes in the middle of a busy day, our kids ask for an activity like that sometimes multiple times a day.
And I also really do like to just sit down and breathe for a moment. š So that is a tip for you to try if you have some active toddlers and smaller kids running around. Try coloring, maybe it will become a favorite activity for your family as well.
Some Other Craft Ideas
Doing a simple craft activity is also something that our children like a lot. Craft activities do take a little more preparation so I am not always able to help them with that but on days when we stay inside for a larger part of the day it is nice to have some craft ideas at hand.
If you want some simple craft ideas make sure to visit that category on our blog. You can get there by following this link: https://underbartskapad.com/category/diy-en-en/craft-inspiration-en/

Cute Animal Pictures To Color
Here are some cute animal pictures to color. A part of the idea for these coloring pages with animals came from the interest our children have in stuffed animals at the moment. Both real-life animals and stuffed animals can be so so cute.
Last summer we visited a place here near where we live where we got to see elephants, giraffes, and all kinds of different types of animals. It was so much fun to see the variety of so many different animals, the elephants and giraffes were even bigger than we had expected.

Koalas was one of my favorite animals when I was a child. To be honest, I don’t know so much about them. We definitely don’t have them here in Scandinavia where we live but they seem so calm and friendly. And so cute of course!

The Creation Tells About The Creator
“For since the creation of the world Godās invisible qualitiesāhis eternal power and divine natureāhave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,Ā so that people are without excuse.”
Romans 1:20
Animals are a wonderful part of the creation that God has made. God’s creativity is so evident in his creation. It is such an amazing thing that we get to enjoy all the beautiful nature that God has blessed us with.
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have clearly been seen, being understood from what has been made. God’s creativity and His character are evident in everything He has created.
It is easy to understand that God is a very generous and good Father when we are out in nature. He created the earth in such a beautiful way and later He created us in a way so that we can enjoy it.
As we spend some time coloring with our children we can also use that time to talk about that, children are so good at seeing the beauty in creation. Sometimes I can be so busy that I just pass a lot of beautiful things without noticing but our children always stop to look at beautiful flowers and rocks and stones, whatever is in their path never gets ignored. I try to learn from them and get better at marveling at God’s creation when I have the opportunity.
Three Things We Never Get Tired Of Looking At
I don’t know if this is a global saying but where I come from we say that there are three things that we never get tired of looking at: the sea, fire, and babies. We tend to be captivated by these three things.
I could sit for hours looking at a newborn baby, same with sitting in front of a fireplace, there is something so captivating with fire that makes it so cozy to just sit and just be. Same thing with the sea. God’s creation is truly so amazing.
So, yeah there is definitely something really special with enjoying God’s creativity. We just need to remember to not get so busy that we stop seeing all the beautiful things that God has created. Our children can have an important role in that.
Looking for more pictures to color?
There are so many more printable coloring pages on our website. You can find many different kinds of coloring pages for different ages.
Here are some links to a few more blog posts with free printable coloring pages that are a little bit similar to the ones included in this blog post:
We hope that you will have a fun and relaxed time coloring! We keep on publishing new printable pictures to color so if you have some suggestions on what kind of coloring pages you would like to see from us in the future, please feel free to leave us a comment.
We hope that you will have a wonderful day wherever you are.
See you again soon!
Blessings from us at Wonderfully Made