Spring Coloring Pages For Toddlers
Here are some free printable spring coloring pages for toddlers.
In Swedish, there is no good translation for the word toddler. If you type in the word “toddler” in Google Translate the translation you get is a little child, “smĂĄbarn” in Swedish. But I think there should be a word for that stage of life in every language. It is such a special time, the time when a child isn’t a baby anymore but is still so small.
Right now our youngest daughter is soon to turn two and she is growing so fast in so many ways. It is a very fun time when her personality is starting to show more and more clearly. It is also a time when she is getting more decisive and she now knows very well what she wants.
In the last few months, she has also started to show interest in coloring and drawing. She likes to sit with her older siblings around the kitchen table, grab different colors, and do some coloring on a sheet of paper.
The Creativity In Toddlers
It is so clear that she already enjoys being creative and seeing something take form. She is often very proud of the drawings she makes. Compared with her older brother who is four years old, who so often gets frustrated with the thing that he is coloring if it doesn’t turn out exactly as he planned, she is very much just enjoying the time coloring not caring so much about the result.
Toddlers are just starting to learn how to hold a crayon or a pen and usually, they are quite happy just to see the different colors that they fill the paper with. The coloring pages in this blog post are simple, they don’t have many details and they have thick lines so that the person doing the coloring can start practicing staying in between the lines.
Easy Spring Coloring Pages For Toddlers
As our youngest daughter is just starting to discover her creativity, we are also starting to see the first signs of spring even if it isn’t really here yet. Just as the weather started to get warmer we have actually gotten a lot more snow now the last couple of days. So we will have to wait for spring to really come just a little longer but we are definitely looking forward to warmer weather.
These spring coloring pages for toddlers are free to download and print out for personal use. We ask you NOT to upload them to another website without our permission or without linking to our website.

The First Signs Of Spring
One of the early signs of spring is definitely the birds that start to sing. At least here in Sweden where we live, many birds migrate during winter so when spring comes birds are coming back up north and you can hear how the birds start to sing again.
So among some coloring pages specifically for spring I thought we had to include a bird. The bird in the coloring page here above is sitting on a branch with leaves. Even if we here where we live as I said earlier, now actually have the ground covered with snow we can see some leaves starting to show on some trees. So spring will come soon.

Another sign of spring is of course flowers that are starting to grow. The coloring pages with flowers that we have published on this website are always very popular. Flowers are very fun to color just because they are so colorful.
This flower coloring page has thicker lines just to make it easier for younger kids but you can have lots of fun with choosing different color combinations.

And last but not least, here is a coloring page with a happy sun. These days when the sun is shining it is not only giving light but it is starting to warm up the atmosphere. It is so so nice!
This sun locks really happy to make coloring even more fun. 🙂
An encouragement for this new season
““And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. “
Matthew 6:28-29
Seeing everything come to life and once again seeing how plants and flowers grow and how the grass turns green is a reminder of God’s faithfulness.
See how the flowers of the field grow. Just as God provides for the flowers He also sees you. Even when seasons change, God will always be faithful!
Looking for more coloring pages?
The coloring pages that are published on this website are all designed by us. So if you have some suggestions for coloring pages that you would like us to make in the future feel free to leave a comment.
If you enjoyed these coloring pages also make sure to check out our other coloring pages. Here is a link to follow if you are interested in that: https://underbartskapad.com/category/free-printable-coloring-pages/
There are also different categories for different kinds of coloring pages so if you are looking for something specific you can choose the category that you are looking for. If you are looking for more coloring pages for smaller kids, follow this link: https://underbartskapad.com/category/free-printable-coloring-pages/easy-coloring-pages/
Coloring Pages That Are Free To Print Out
The coloring pages on this website are free to download and print out for personal use.
If you like our coloring pages, feel free to share them with other people you think would enjoy them too. If you are on Pinterest you are very welcome to follow us over there. We post our coloring pages over there as well so if you want to know when we post new coloring pages you will always find our latest ones on Pinterest as well.
We hope that you will have a blessed spring and that you will have many fun creative moments.
We hope that you will have a wonderful rest of your day wherever you are!
Remember that just as spring flowers are beautifully made so are you too!
Many blessings from us at Wonderfully Made