Why Knowing Your Creator Is So Important!
Here are some thoughts on why knowing your creator is so important.
”I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Psalm 139:14
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”

God is an amazing creator! His works are wonderful and it would be amazing if we all knew that full well!
I wish every person would know that they were created by the creator of the universe. That they were created on purpose for a purpose-filled life!
Why then is it so important to know who created us? There are a few life-changing things that happen when we understand who made us. Making sure our children know, from early on, who made them and for what reason, is of great value.
Knowing the one that made you and that it was done with purpose is a firm foundation to build on!
Two Reasons Why Knowing Your Creator Is So Important!

1. Understanding Who Made You And Knowing Him, Makes You Understand Who You Are
The beauty of a starlit sky, a snow-covered forest, and the colorful scenery during fall is astonishing! Nature shows us how amazing God is! Realizing that God created it all shows us how enormous and creative He is!
With all His abilities He can create so many beautiful things! Out of all the things He could have created, God decided to make you! He wanted you!
Knowing God made us, helps us to be more focused on our uniqueness than on comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be different. Knowing the endless creativity of God, makes us trust that He knew what He did when He created us!
Everything God creates has a purpose! God creating us means there is a purpose for our lives! Realizing the greatness of God and that He created us out of love means He thinks we are very valuable!

Getting to know God and who He is also tells a lot about us. The Bible tells us that we were created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)
The Bible also tells us that we as followers of Christ are His sons and daughters and that we belong to Him. (Ephesians 4)
Knowing who we belong to and who is our daddy is a good reminder many times!
2. It Makes Us Live The Life We Were Created For
Knowing our designer and being in communication with him through prayer and listening to His voice makes us understand His purpose for us.
God’s word is full of guidance for us to follow. God wants to show us His thoughts for us and why He made us.
“God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”
1 Cor 1:9

When we get to know God and listen to Him we start living the life we were created for.
God created us in a way so that we can have fellowship with Him. So whatever we do, we get to do it together with him.
If God saw a reason to create us, we all have great value! I think realizing that God created us all with purpose, makes us see ourselves and the people around us, as He sees us and them.

God created the Universe and then He created man in His image. God is so creative that He could do all that and then He made us in the image of Him. We are equipped to be in communication with Him and to do amazing things together with Him!
We get to reflect His creativity in unique ways creating amazing things with our words and actions!
Knowing our creator is powerful! The creator of the universe wants you to exist and loves you so much!
The Almighty God, the creator of the universe wants you to exist and wants to be your heavenly Father!
God Is Worthy Of All Our Praise
“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Colossians 3:17
God is our creator. He wanted this world to exist, therefore he created it. God then wanted us to exist, so he created man in his image. We get to take care of the earth that he created.
“Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.””
Genesis 1:28
Everything exists because of him. We get to do everything we do for his glory.
Why Knowing Our Creator Is So Important – FREE Printable
God had a plan when he created this earth and everything in it. God creates in a fearful and wonderful way. Everything created by him has a purpose.
Here is a free printable with some Bible verses from this blog post. Feel free to print it out to write down the things that God is highlighting to you.
God always has more to show us about his thoughts for this world, his thoughts for us, and the time that we live in.

There is so much more that could be said on the topic of living the life that God created us to live.
Right now my sister is writing a blog series about being created for a purpose. I will leave the first blog post in the series linked here if you are interested: https://underbartskapad.com/created-for-a-purpose-part-1/
We publish new blog posts every week so you are so welcome back to our website soon again!
Please leave a comment if you have any questions.
If you are interested in reading more on this topic please visit the Identity In Christ category on our blog.
Here is a link to follow to see the other blog post that we have published:
We hope that you will have a wonderful rest of your week!
Many blessings from Us to You