Free printables

Free Printables

Here are all our free printables gathered in one category. A lot of our printables are free printable coloring pages but there are also a few other printables like cards with Bible verses and some printable wall art.

Printable Coloring Pages

All the coloring pages that we publish on this website are designed by us. There are coloring pages on different difficulty levels. The pictures that have more details and thinner lines are suitable for older kids and adults while the more simple ones with thicker lines are perfect for small kids and toddlers.

Printables As A Reminder Of Truth

Some of our printables include Bible verses. Scripture has really changed our lives. Knowing what is true and what God says is a firm foundation to stand on. Part of the vision of this website is to find ways to be reminded of what God says throughout our days. The word of God is so rich with encouragement and wisdom.

Cards With Bible Verses

Some of our printables are meant to be printed out on thicker paper and can be used as cards. These cards can be used as a bookmark or can be given as an encouragement to a friend. So feel free to use these printables in a creative way! But we kindly ask you to NOT upload them to another website without our permission or linking to our website.